Empowering Communities Through Action
Berryessa Educational Endowment Foundation
Berryessa’s extraordinary schools attract families looking for an exceptional education and create a community interested in building and maintaining a place where everyone belongs. The schools, the heart of our community, are why we are here.
Unfortunately, a great public school education isn’t free. Each year expenses go up while funding from the government, and funds from our community’s generous parcel taxes, remain about the same. That is why BEEF is here.
At its core, BEEF’s work ensures the District has the funds needed to educate students. Every donation and every fundraiser goes to supporting a meaningful, well-rounded education. When our donors contribute to any of our fundraisers, the intent is to help fund education. We honor that intent. BEEF’s volunteer Board of Directors works tirelessly each year to ensure that funds are raised and go toward the areas of greatest priority to the community — supporting our teachers and staff.
Currently, our District has a $6,000,000 deficit and formed a Consolidation Committee to determine which 3 schools shall close by 2025. Hence, BEEF’s immediate goal is to raise private funds to stop school closures!
One of the most important decisions we make as parents and guardians is to send our students to Berryessa schools where they engage in top-tier academics led by enthusiastic teachers and staff. Everything from the playground equipment to the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) curriculum helps our kids establish a sense of belonging and mindfulness on their passage to a capable, creative and thoughtful life.
This is only possible through community contributions.
It is BEEF’s hope that we can work with BUSD in the future to help them with their budget: All district expenses, minus funds received through the government and parcel taxes. Divide the answer by the number of students at BUSD and you have what we call “the deficit gap”. The deficit gap is the amount the Berryessa school community needs to contribute/raise for our kids to continue on this journey.
The NEED per student is around $2,800 to help bridge this deficit gap. If every family contribute this amount, we would have well over $8 million to stop school closures and to reinvest in our schools!
We understand that this is a big ask. Donations of all sizes are needed and welcomed!