Berryessa schools provide a first rate public education. But public financing alone can no longer provide the high quality education we expect in this community. In order to maintain and build upon the academic excellence of Berryessa schools, which draws families to Berryessa neighborhoods and keeps property values high, the community must seek additional funding.
The No School Closure Campaign will be the main annual fundraiser for the BEEF at its core to stop the urgent decision to close schools. Led by a committee of volunteers and the Berryessa Educational Endowment Foundation, the No School Closure Campaign will start now to stop school closures. You can expect to see mail, email, messages, signage, and other materials from the No School Closure Campaign.
If every parent participates in the No School Closure Campaign, BUSD can continue to offer the programming that benefits our children the most.
Volunteer with us at BEEF. Email BerryessaEdu@gmail.com.
Berryessa Unified School District Consolidation Meetings: https://www.berryessa.k12.ca.us/Departments/Business-Services/School-Consolidation-Advisory-Committee/index.html
WhatsApp Parent Group
Make your voice heard! Fill out the BUSD School Enrollment Preferences Survey: [link]
Sign the petition: Stop the Closure of Sierramont Middle School: [https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-closure-of-sierramont-middle-school-in-berryessa?]
Contact the BUSD Board and Superintendent: Share your stories about Ruskin and/or Sierramont.
President - Jai Srinivasan - jsrinivasan@busd.net
Vice President - Thelma Boac - tboac@busd.net
Website: [link]
Spread awareness:
Inform your neighbors, parents, and friends.
Print signs for your yard.
Share the survey, petition, and action plan.
WhatsApp Community Group chat